Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tweets on surgery
Well today I was on twitter (like I normally do) catching up with some of the people I follow that ussually post interesting stuff. Browsing my TweetDeck I found this really cool tweet saying "Surgeons send 'tweets' from operating room http://tinyurl.com/dksynn" (via @perrybelcher), I must say this is completely awesome!. Maybe I got overexcited because I'm applying to med school, and I love everything to do with the matter, but I think this will be one of the people I'll track and hopefully learn a lot from their tweets.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Make Your iPod/iPhone look UnJaibroken
So This guy made a very helpful video on how to make you iPod/iPhone look UnJailbroken... I found it really helpful because I hate looking like a pirate thief...(I know I am for Doing it) but anyways it's not nice.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Multi task on new iPhone and Prototype pic!
According to Brighthand Apple may be preparing to remove one of the biggest limitations in the iPhone: the inability for multiple third-party applications to run at the same time.
According to an unconfirmed report, Apple will release an update for the current iPhone 3G that will offer limited support for multitasking, allowing a couple of third-party applications to run simultaneously. In addition, the next generation of Apple's smartphone will supposedly have significantly more robust hardware, and will therefore have more complete support for multitasking.
The source for this report, Mac Rumors, does not know when the iPhone 3.0 software update will be released. However, there has been much speculation that Apple will continue its habit of introducing new smartphones and major system software upgrades in the summertime.
Earlier rumors have indicated that the next iPhone will be considerably more powerful than previous models, possible even including a quad-core processor.
Here is another iPhone 4g image that i found really interesting haha... i know its almost impossible but it would be awesome to make.!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
New iMac Rumor Quad Core and Dual Core

A leading Mac watcher believes the mothership has settled the question of using two or four core processors in an upcoming revision of the company’s prosumer desktop. Moreover, we shouldn’t have to wait too long to get them either.
In Apple’s first fiscal quarter of 2009, although overall computer unit volume increased 9 percent, desktop sales actually declined 25 percent. With all three of Apple’s desktop offerings a year or more since the last major update, the time to release updated hardware is definitely ripe.
That said, people who make it their business to monitor Apple’s channel say that iMac supplies have become constrained, a move the company announced to resellers and one that could presage the imminent release of new kit. However, it bears remembering that Cupertino also told resellers in August of last year to expect reduced iMac supplies and nothing came of that.
Furthermore, Kaufman Brothers analyst Shaw Wu also believes updated iMacs will arrive within weeks, adding that the question of whether use dual or quad core processors with a resounding, “yes.”
In a not unprecedented move (back in the day, dual and quad core Mac Pro models were sold side-by-side), Wu posits that Apple will offer a high-end quad core model with a 24 inch screen, as well as a pair of dual core units in 20 and 24 inch configurations.
Monday, February 2, 2009
iPhone Flash techs!
Adobe (NSDQ: ADBE) and Apple continue to work on bringing Flash technology to the iPhone, but there are still many hurdles to overcome.
The touch-screen iPhone is widely viewed as having the best mobile browsing experience with mobile Safari, but it lacks support for third-party plug-ins like Flash. Instead, Apple requires that video be delivered in a particular file format, and Web video from the likes of YouTube is delivered via a separate application.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs said Flash for desktops and notebooks "performs too slow to be useful" on the iPhone because of its resource needs. The mobile version, known as Flash Lite, is used on millions of handsets, including Nokia (NYSE: NOK)'s S60 platform, but Jobs said it "isn't capable enough to be used with the Web." Apple has been calling on Adobe to create a third version more suitable for its mobile platform.
Adobe has wanted to bring Flash to the iPhone because of its sales success and the browsing patterns of its users. But the company said the iPhone's software development kit and licenses were not robust enough to deliver the technology.